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Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Enjoi - Rainbow Fart Deck Review

So to start of with, this deck has a 7-ply Canadian maple expoy glue construction, the tail is not rounded, it is tampered, and ranges from around £40-£58. This deck has a lot of pop when you first buy it, and the main sizes are 7.62 and 8.25. But the pop seems to slowly go down, until your tail/nose goes pancake. But anyway, most skaters know that enjoi have the strongest glue out of all companies, no doubt about it; so no chips. I say no chips, but when a tail goes pancake, it does not matter how strong the deck is, it will chip. This deck also has a massive concave, So good for some, but may affect whether you purchase this deck or not. This deck has lasted me skating through every day in the summer, and I still ride it now when it's a bit wet and don't want to trash up my new set up straight away. But yeah, this deck would be amazing for beginners, and was a good, strong, reliable deck for me. The graphic is plain and simple, the way I like it, and looks like a remake of 'Nyan Cat' which was yet another bonus. But yeah, if you are busting out on the street doing some beginner tricks like: Ollie, pop shuvs, kickflips and some variations on those tricks, then this is the deck for you. And I also think that it would be good for vert if you ride the 8.25 one. It isn't amazingly light, but it's not heavy so again it is good for beginners.

Ben Keppie

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